Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

07/08/09 Wed - 建國路的二手DVD 店

Highlights: Second-hand DVD store and Duck Stew with Ginger, Rice Wine, and Extra-Virgin Seasame Oil.

和爸逛建國路的二手DVD 店
Publish Post

The first thing that I noticed when I had some time to settle down, was that there are many many movie DVDs in the house. Turned out that Dad has found this second-hand DVD store on the famous Computer and Multimedia street in Kaushiung. He said he's spend about NT10,000 on DVDs and I do not doubt him. He's got so may DVDs that you can build a huge doll house with it. Yep, that's my dad.

07/07/09 Tuesday - 打乒乓球


1.Start to setup OpenGL learning environment

Checked out Neon Medium and FlightSimulation

2.Play Ping Pong for the first time in ten years

晚上總算有力氣下去打乒乓球 軒軒比我想像中厲害很多 如果不是我還會殺球的話 我都快打不過他了 我的旋球對他一點用沒有 快球他也都打得回來 老爸的球技也不含糊 肚子大大(我們回來吃消夜吃太多)的身手仍是頗靈活的 他說他已經二十年沒打乒乓了 太強了

07/06/09 Monday - RedHat

1.接到RedHat 的Mitchell 回信說他們也有San Diego 的職缺 我們約好禮拜四台灣時間晚上八點三十分第一次電話面試


3. Sammy 和 Alice 出發去美國

07/05/09 Sunday 去林邊吃海鮮和東港買海鮮

1. 去林邊吃海鮮和東港買海鮮
2. 晚上哥, Alice, 和 Sammy 過來一起吃消夜
3. 加了Scratch Lesson 13 to

07/04/09 - 樂平回美國

2.小蝦米過來一起看電影(Dr. DoLittle 3) 和吃萬巒粄條

樂平今天要回美國了 淑娟姊去屏東接他去飛機塲 他的假期結束了可是我們三個還幸運地可以留在臺灣悠閒度假 不過我倒也沒閒著 忙著學3D動畫: Blender 和 OpenGL 。 我也加了四篇 Scratch 課程在我的

07/03/09 去台南拿筆電

今天去台南找樂平 因為他在淑娟姊姊那辺 他又說要帶幫我修好了的筆電來高雄 但我想我開去台南比較方便 所以就帶著軒軒和浩浩去了 在路上買了KFC的黑糖moji蛋塔和炸雞腿 在臺南淑娟姊家待了一下下 聽到 Jason 和 Lisa 兩人的小提琴練習覺得很棒 然後便去樓下的蜜店買東西了 開車回家的時候雨下滿大的 我 順便載樂平去坐捷運去轉坐火車回屏東

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Highlight: Published Scratch Lesson12. Followed 15 Blender tutorials from Super3Boy. Did not do much other wise. Did not go on lunch or night outing with dad, matt, and Vincent. Was too tired and too bogged down on my progress. Ping came around 3pm to pick up key and my laptop.





她的肚子 因為太大被撐得發紅 爸說好像快破了









Max and Dylon are here!!! 7/01/09 Wed

Highlights: Went to Hot Pot place next to A-Yi's home. Drove Ping home. Ping brought Matt and Vincent to meet his dad. We drove home and got on a brand new freeway. (3->24->10->1). At night, Sammy came over to watch movie and munch with us. We watch Dr. Dolittle 3. Sammy was very sweet to Vincent ^_^ Sammy left around 11:00pm and then around 12:00am, we got a call from Emma: Max and Dylon are here!!! Yeah!! I even got to talk to Emma. She sounded great!!

Ping Came to Visit 6/29/09 Mon ~ 6/30/09 Tue

Ping came at noon!! He called in the morning but I did not get his call because mom, Vincent, and I drove to Wan Rung to buy rice noodles. I was very happy to see him and can't wait to hang out with him more. However, I was still trying to get over my jet lag so we did not spend as much time as I would like. We did go to Liao Her Night Market Monday and Tuesday night. We were going to go to the biggest night market in Kaoshiung on Tuesday but Vincent refused to get on the train.


When Ping arrived on Monday, we went to Han Sher to eat ding sum. After Ding Sum, we went to San Sung to check out sales items. I bought red snacks, two books, and four plate mats. Then we went home to rest. Vincent napped for a long time and when he finally woke up, we went to Night Market. Most of the time, Ping spent in his room helping Matt and me with our laptops, just like at home J At night after the night market, we stopped by Guang Hua Night Market to get some Pong Hu seafood and went home to drink. Ping of course did not drink too much. He did drink though so I thought that was very sweet of him.


The next morning, I asked Matt to get Ping some breakfast because I don't have key for the elevator. In the morning, we also just stayed at home. Now thinking back, I should have spent less time napping and more time driving Ping around. Sorry ping!! But at the same time, I want him to spend time with mom and dad more so if we go out then we won't come home in time for lunch or dinner with them. After lunch we went to SOGO and then to Guang Nang but we could not stay long because dad needs to go home before 2pm. I bought two sets of cartoon DVDs and a PC game controller. After we went home, I was a bit tired so I took Vincent to take a nap and then we slept way after dinner. Poor ping ping, he did not get to go out again. But at night, we went to Night Market and this time, some shops there were closed the previous night were open. We had stir fried pig heart, stir fried pig kidney, fish ball soup, Hong Kong style pancake, giant white fish soup, giant white fish sashimi, giant white fish chin, and giant white fish skin. Of course, daddy ordered Taiwan Beer, and we drank some at the giant white fish place.

6/27/09 Sat ~ 6/28/09 Sun

Summary: Got up at 7:00am to pack and finally finished packing at 9:15pm. Arrived at Arcadia (Betty was not home) at around 11:15am. Hsin-Ping came at around 11:30am and off we went. We arrived at LAX at around 12:30am. We were among the first to check in but I was too tired to ask for aisle seat. Vincent and I stopped by ReLAX to relax for an hour ($20, $10 per person per hour, no more kid discount). We order cut noodles and enjoyed fresh fruit, coffee (just me), juice, and party chex mix. I think it'll well worth the money. Vincent played computer game and I just read magazine and watch the planes take off. At around 2:45pm we left ReLAX sand moved toward the terminal. The flight was delayed for about 15 minutes but it was not too bad. When we got on the plane, there are many empty seats but many have reshuffle themselves so that many are seating at the aisle seat but we were stuck at the windows seat. It was my bad; I should have set our preference right. But I managed to find two aisle seats in the middle. These seats used to belong to two passengers of a family; the Dad of that family sits at another end of the four-seats row. As we sat down, I could hear the mom whisper about us sitting there so that he can not lay down. I looked around and did spot two other aisle seats so I told her that it'd be alright. We can sit over there so her husband can stretch. But it turned out that Vincent does not want to sit at the exit seat, which these two other aisle seats were next to. Recently he came down with this fear of the exit door open in mid-air and he would be flung outside. This kid has too much imagination. Anyway, he refused to change seat, so I have to apologize again. I guess I did not have to apologize but I just thought I should be as polite as I can. After all, those are their seats, even though they've taken on other's seats.


I watched two great movies on the plane: "He's not that into you" and "Inconvenient Scandal (Korean movie)". Both were surprisingly good and I cried several times- both happy and sad tears. Anyway, it was really nice to be able to sit down and just watch movies like this. I do enjoy watching movies on the plane, even though there seemed to be something wrong with my touch screen that It kept jumping around.